Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Job

A few weeks back, we took the wee ones on a field trip to the lighthouse and statue. It was a lovely day for some walking...up the hill to the lighthouse, inside for a tour, and then back down. Then, up the never ending stairs to the statue, around the base, and then back down. Bon exercice!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pirouge Excursion

Also before heading back, we took a day for a pirouge excursion to
explore the mangroves and wildlife around the Casamance River. At one point, we got out and explored a village on the northern bank of the river.

Batik Man

I forgot to mention...when we were in Zinguinchor, we visited a man that makes batiks. They were the best I've ever seen. Apparently, he is quite well known around Senegal.


Our last stop was Zinguinchor for 2 nights. It was a bit of a smelly, port town - not much to it, but that is where we caught the boat back to Dakar.

Carabane - More Pictures

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Carabane - Ultimate Serenity

I can't imagine that more than a few hundred people live on Carabane. It was so quiet and beautiful. Annnnnnnnd, windy! We actually only stayed one night because the winds were so fierce. It would not have been pleasant beach combing and lounging the next day if we'd stayed. Too bad - I really liked it there.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Carabane Island - Where to Stay

It wasn't hard deciding where to stay on Carabane. There are only a handful of choices. The nicest place is a hotel that used to be a catholic mission. The old chapel is now a cute bar where you can sit and have a drink.

Pirogue Ride: Sights along the way

Off to Carabane

After a few glorious days in C.S., we decided to hop a pirogue and travel the mangroved waterways to Ile de Carabane -- an island at the mouth of the Casamance river.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Bananagrams & Shantys

We played a fair amount of Bananagrams.
Enjoyed beautiful sunsets.
Drank a lot of shantys.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

To Cap Skirring

Straight off the boat from Zinguinchor, we hopped a taxi to Cap Skirring. Ever since I arrived in Senegal, I'd heard a lot of good things about Cap Skirring (C.S.). It didn't disappoint. The night life was fun, and we stayed in a beautiful hotel to the north of the actual town of C.S.

Christians, Pigs, and Chickens

Down south, the religion is different...mainly Christians.

Therefore, the diet is different...they eat pork.

Also, there seemed to be a lot of chickens around.

Looking at the Map

First map - quite a simple one of Senegal in order to locate the Casamance area.

Second map - pay attention to where Ziguinchor, Cap Skirring, and Carabane are (Carabane is actually an island, but you can't tell from this map).

Sunrise on the Boat

The sunrise while traveling along the Casamance river to Zinguinchor on Saturday morning...