At first, I barely noticed I had company…they were little, stayed out of my way when the light was on, and didn’t insist that I make dinner or anything. Well, somebody realized the Thomas pad was pretty dang cool, and passed the message along until I discovered a happening cockroach party the other night around 11:30 p.m. in the kitchen. Imagine my surprise when I realized exactly how many critters were actually habitating near and/or in my cuisine space. Most scattered when they realized I was about to break up the fun….except…for two bold, ENORMOUS ‘gangsta cockroaches’ (start spreading my new phrase please)**. At least 2 inches long they were, and as cheeky as the day is long. Didn’t care that I turned on the light, didn’t care that I was cautiously approaching and peering at them. With rage boiling over, I attacked the one in the sink. I promptly drowned him in burning tap water and, adding insult to injury, trapped him under a clear glass for good measure. His mate just looked on, hidden between some cutlery and a bowl. What a scared loser. I was shaking so much after the first kill. Honestly, I just didn’t have it in me for more. So I left. I don’t fancy being a serial anything.
Nugget of Wisdom: Don’t put off a proper bug bombing. My school would have taken care of this problem the first week I arrived, but I honestly didn’t realize the level of infestation. Plus, I’ve been pretty busy and haven't been in the kitchen that much. I know…excuses, excuses!!
**The term 'gangsta cockroach(es)' can be utilized liberally to describe anyone or anything that is in your face, obnoxious and should have known better. Feel free to use it as a noun or verb.