Funny thing here...a few people back home have asked me how warm/hot it is here. I usually reply, "80 to 85 degrees, but it feels warmer because of the humidity."
Weeeeeeelllllll, about a week ago, I started the weather portion of an AIR & WEATHER Science unit with my students. We are currently studying about thermometers, and I taped the science kit one on the outside window (to be easily read from the inside).
{Side Note: My new favorite pastime is checking the thermometer...obsessively. It would be very common around this time to hear me exclaim, "Ohhhh! The temperature went up 4 degrees from the last time I checked!" Yes, I am usually talking to myself as well.}
Back to the story - when we checked yesterday the temperature was 96 degrees during the hottest part of the day. Today? 100 big ones!
Now I can more accurately reply to people, "It's anywhere from 95 to 100 degrees here, but it feels warmer because of the humidity."
Shocking that my cold weather body (Seattle first, then Scotland) can handle it.