Michelle sent this email out today to her family and friends...
Ce va? That is about all I can say. But, I manage a lot of sound effects and hand gestures to communicate. :-)
It is my first day in AFRICA! I cannot believe I am here. Wild! This morning Crystal and I went and played a softball game (her school as a team). I got on base both times at bat. Yay me since I haven't played in years.
Then we went by her school to a little market. I bought some cool painted cards. I have to see more before I can decide what souvenirs I want to bring home! There are people selling stuff everywhere and weaving baskets and walking with baskets on their heads. It is very interesting!
We also drove around a bit and it is a trip. Very projects, but real. There is a lot of beauty within. The women are gorgeous with their elongated bodies and high butts. I am jealous! They wear normal clothes and/or typical African dresses and head wraps. On the streets there are nice SUV's mixed in with some horse and carts. It is quite green here right now because it is the end of the rainy season. Lots of gorgeous plants and trees and flowers. Oh my! There are corner stores (Minute Marts/7-elevens in the states) that are made of make-shift materials barely holding together and many with no lighting at night. You can get your fruit and veg here, along with bottled water and Fanta. Man, pop tastes so good here because it is so hot! Suh- weaty. There are lots of people everywhere and we wave at everyone and say bonjour to stay friendly with all of Crystal's peeps in the hood.
She bought a long wall mask today that looks like it is from the set of Survivor and a wooden statue thing that is actually an initiation hat worn by boys becoming men in the their jungle/forest education to become men. I'll try and get a photo of it on Crystal's head. :-)
Tonight we are attending an engagement party for a couple at her school and tomorrow we are heading south to sightsee.
I will write more later!
Love you all!