Just like Snow White, I was done in by a tempting, delicious red apple. “Here, my little pretty. Eat this, Crystal,” the wicked witch cackled. Didn’t I learn anything from the fairy tales my mom read to me growing up? (Side note: Hi Mom! I miss you too…)
Anyway, I ate said apple yesterday, and it obviously wasn’t washed properly. (I used some bleach in the washing water, but I think it needed a little more germ killing power. Today, someone told me that a dunk in just boiled water is an additional preventative washing technique.) Anyway, within 2-3 hours of eating the apple, unpleasant things were happening on both ends of my body. Oh well! I do know that I need to gain some immunities while here in order to survive. Might as well start early, but my stomach probably disagrees. She is not a happy camper.
P.S. – Sorry for the bodily function references. I’m just portraying the r*e*a*l Africa from a ‘fresh off the plane,’ foreigner’s perspective.