Sunday, August 16, 2009

Yes…I am a Tubaab

I’ve been called many things in my lifetime (all vastly complimentary of course), but for some reason I love the word Tubaab - pronounced two-bob. Maybe I like it because with all the new French and Wolof words thrown my way, I can actually remember this one. Anyway, here’s an example of its use in context. Let’s see if you can figure out the meaning…

We had a Senegalese guide take us on a tour of some markets in Dakar the other day. At one point, we saw raw shea butter and we were discussing the medicinal and general wonders of it. I asked the guide if the use and smell of shea butter in any way attracted mosquitoes (turns out it doesn’t) because I’ve had a problem with them nibbling on me as of late. He laughingly replied, “That’s because you’re a Tubaab!” Yes...I am a Tubaab.